Tag: Valuing

Valuing Diversity To Improve Team Performance

We all know that any given project, or product development effort, requires a variety of skills sets and experience — behold the cross functional team. But beyond that, our inclination is to put people together who have similar personalities; who seem to “click.” We think that thei...

Inclusion Is About Valuing People As They Are, Not Trying To Make Them All The Same

When I was a child, one of my favourite toys was a plastic ball with holes of various shapes in it. Along with the ball were plastic pieces, each one of which would fit through one of the holes. It was a very basic toy to help young children to learn about shapes and practice their manual skills. ...

Valuing Languages Differently is Discrimination

What determines value? Does every language already have “value,” or must a language acquire something in particular to be deemed valuable? Professor Elaine posed a similar question in class the other day, pertaining to the word “culture” instead. “Identity and Activism ...