Tag: Useless

Confirmed: Code Coverage Is a Useless Management Metric

There is a strong belief that code coverage is a strong metric to measure the quality of a software product, a belief that’s been shared without question among tech leaders for many years. Its rationale seems sound on the surface: the more thorough the testing, the higher the code coverage, an...

Why Most Meetings Are Useless

During my career as a software engineer, I’ve participated in countless meetings and felt that a large majority of them were nothing more than a waste of time. Be it meetings with managers, product or technical discussions, I’d estimate that around 80% of them felt useless. If you’...

Why Use Cases are useless

I read it somewhere that some Android dev team can output twice as much as iOS team because of the “reusability” provided by Clean Architecture. Wait, you mean Bob’s Brute Force Boilerplate? That Clean Architecure? But hey, maybe I was wrong. So I embarked on a...

Why Recycling is Useless and Why You Should Do It Anyway

Proponents of collection action, let’s call them collectivists, believe that meaningful change is impossible on the individual scale. The dismal facts at the outset of this piece attest to this. Collectivists argue that voluntary actions that center around the individual, no matter t...


It’s well-known that those who publicly shout the loudest about “illegals” are most often the same people who rush to hire as many as possible because that’s the modern version of slavery. The term “sweatshop” applies, but with the added twist there’s no way...

Ditching My iPhone for a Flip Phone Made Me See How Useless Smartphones Can Be

Sunday night before last, I was lying in bed and looking at my Screen Time stats as I do every Sunday night. This weekly review is meant to help me keep an eye on my phone use and identify problems before they balloon out of proportion. My stats for that Sunday night were the same as they have been ...

Machine Learning for Fashion Clothing is Useless

Curves representing the body in Machine Learning (FashNerd) are no help to Pattern Engineers — But, Triangulation of a Dress Foundation gives amazing help to both Designers and Pattern Engineers Photo by Flora Miranda, FashNerd.com ********** Photo of cardboard bodice by author prepares...