Why Most Meetings Are Useless
<p>During my career as a software engineer, I’ve participated in countless meetings and felt that a large majority of them were nothing more than a waste of time. Be it meetings with managers, product or technical discussions, I’d estimate that around 80% of them felt useless. If you’ve ever felt like one of these character, I’d suggest you read this article very carefully:</p>
<li><strong>The silent one</strong>: if you’ve participated in meetings in which you haven’t uttered a single word other than the “hellos” and “goodbyes” at the start and end of the meetings respectively, you are both a victim and a perpetrator of useless meetings. With the remote work model, more and more people are becoming this type of meeting participants, as it’s very easy to turn off your camera, mute your mic and zone out.</li>
<li><strong>The one man show</strong>: if you do all the talking in a meeting, was it even a meeting? Is it not more of a speech? Couldn’t it have been a recording or an email? Why have people gathered for this? You may feel like you’ve put in all the effort and it’s not your fault that the meeting room is dead silent, but it truly isn’t that simple.</li>
<p>In this article I will elaborate on the mistakes both of these characters are making and how to run and participate in meetings such that they actually drive towards a positive result.</p>
<p><a href="https://levelup.gitconnected.com/why-most-meetings-are-useless-8164219d8243"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>