Tag: Uncomfortable

Why Is It So Uncomfortable Choosing Ourselves Over Our Parents?

These are common narratives I hear in the therapy room when working with immigrants and children of immigrants who are trying to come into their “bicultural identities” (and are beliefs I’ve struggled with myself throughout my life). Clients tell me how heavily their parents’...

Why I Won’t Give You Ten Tips to Manage Your Privilege

People are uncomfortable talking about, even thinking about privilege — particularly their own. I mean avoid eye contact, short of breath uncomfortable. I see this as I work around the country training executives, employees, community leaders, and young people on equity, diversity, and inclusi...

An Uncomfortable Truth: Children of the Swingers

Growing up a queer child in the backwoods of Pennsylvania, I was no stranger to secrets. The world I grew up in was intolerant, ignorant, and, at times, violent toward people like me. I kept myself quiet and small, trying not to draw attention to myself or my identity. I dreamed of a day where I cou...

Four Uncomfortable Facts About Albert Einstein

If you were asked to make a list of the most intelligent people who ever lived, Albert Einstein is one of the first names you would write down. But beyond his scientific achievements — which include coming up with the theory of relativity — you probably don’t know much about Ein...

What to do When All of Your Clothes Make You Feel Like Shit

About a month or so ago I was looking through my closet and I had a typical “I have nothing to wear” moment. I was sliding through the rails and rifling through my drawers when I had the realization that the majority of my clothes were just not very “me anymore”. I had my ...