Tag: Tunnel

A Light at the End of a Tunnel of Stress

Late last night, I got home from a whirlwind trip to see my family in Chicago. I came home to a house full of guests and one day to unpack, wrap up my old job, manage a tenant change on my rental house, and prepare to start my new job tomorrow. This is not a new experience for me. I often over-pl...

Installing a Graphical User Interface (GUI) on AWS EC2 Linux-2 Instance and accessing it over a secure tunnel on Windows

Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is one of the most popular services on Amazon Web Services (AWS). It offers the following benefits Elastic. Amazon EC2 lets you increase or decrease capacity within minutes Affordability. Pay only for the compute capacity you consume. Security. EC2 instances are...

The Light at The End of The Tunnel

I remember deciding my senior year of high school that I would study abroad. I wasn’t sure where, but I knew I would do it. Months later, during that same year, the whole world shut down. When I eventually was studying at my university, in-person, I still had my same dream, but it had becom...

#338: The Colinton Tunnel Mural

I went on an adventure last Sunday. My alarm went off at 8am, the coffee machine turned on, and by half eight I was out the door, ready to enjoy a crisp, sunny, autumnal morning excursion before (virtual) church at half ten. Where was I going? Colinton. Colinton Village is an historic conser...

Is There a Transcontinental Tunnel?

This week I am asking the obvious question, is there a transcontinental tunnel? It seems pretty likely there would be, but is there any evidence, or reason? I stumbled on a couple of things that seem to make it more likely than not. As usual, I might be off my rocker so luckily you don’t have ...