Tag: Trinity

The Manager Trinity: Create Company Value

A manager’s role extends beyond overseeing individuals. I’ve observed many managers who missed opportunities to create value, both for their team members and their company, by neglecting the other tenets of the job: building effective teams and generating company value. I’m convinc...

Voices Of Choice- A Trinity of Monologues

[The stage illuminates with a spotlight on Sophie, her silhouette outlined by looming shadows that embody the stark realities and fears she faces.] SOPHIE: I’m just a kid, you know? I’m adrift in an ocean of uncertainty, not prepared for the weight of parenthood. I’m still a wan...

Voices Of Choice- A Trinity of Monologues

Sarah: “Ladies and gentlemen, today, I stand here not just for myself but for every woman who deserves the right to choose. Our bodies are not vessels to be controlled by anyone else. The decision to have an abortion is deeply personal, rooted in our autonomy and our right to shape our own fut...

Fireballs in the Desert, Brighter Than Oppenheimer’s Trinity

Consider the possibility that Elon Musk is not the most accomplished space entrepreneur in the Milky Way galaxy. In that case, 10-meter (30 feet) wide Starship-analogs might be floating through interstellar space. If any of them collided with Earth over the past billions of years, wou...

The holy trinity: The story, The Ecosystem and The Museum Organization

The brand new book Museums and the Challenge of Change has been published at a time when museums are perhaps more than ever discussing the need for responsiveness, digital competencies and social impact. I have just started reading it and am immediately struck by the relevant and urgent ap...