Tag: tradwife

Why the tradwife movement is toxic and scary.

Many Millennial and Gen Z women are taking to social media to wax lyrical about being tradwives. These young women have given up their careers or studies and interests in order to serve their husband’s (sometime boyfriend’s) needs. Seeing these self-proclaimed tradwives is like being tra...

The reality behind the ‘tradwife’ lifestyle

Millennials may have been sold the corporate dream, told to girlboss their way to the top of company ranks, and force-fed female empowerment quotes in attempts to embolden us with a fierce sense of independence — but a growing proportion of Gen Z is not buying it. Perhaps it’s the nat...

The Tradwife Movement: A Summary

Tradwives believe that women should focus on being wives, mothers, and homemakers. They reject modern feminist values and believe that women should return to “traditional” gender roles, where men are the breadwinners and women are responsible for domestic duties. Tradwives often have con...