Why the tradwife movement is toxic and scary.

<p>Many Millennial and Gen Z women are taking to social media to wax lyrical about being tradwives. These young women have given up their careers or studies and interests in order to serve their husband&rsquo;s (sometime boyfriend&rsquo;s) needs. Seeing these self-proclaimed tradwives is like being transported into the 1950&rsquo;s. Their videos on TikTok are reminiscent of those 1950&rsquo;s adverts featuring housewives promoting the latest domestic appliance in an overly cheery voice. One of these TikTokers is a young woman named Estee C. Williams, 24, who claims to spend five hours a day in the kitchen and says her job is &ldquo;to make her husband&rsquo;s life easier.&rdquo; She even dropped out of university to focus on her husband&rsquo;s needs. She also claims that &ldquo;women are happiest when they&rsquo;re at home taking care of the house and their family.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href="https://msselo297.medium.com/why-the-tradwife-movement-is-toxic-and-scary-3375029e49ef"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>