Tag: Thanksgiving

What I’m grateful for this Thanksgiving

Let me first introduce you to Yarys Lopez. With Thanksgiving approaching in these grim-feeling times, her story really helped me reflect on gratitude — and the obligations that gratitude compels. I hope it will do the same for you. Yarys was just 11 years old when a neighbor tried to b...

Thanksgiving Legacy of the First Americans

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because it is a secular holiday that all Americans can celebrate regardless of our ethnic background. This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for my Native American forebears, the First People in the Americas, crossing from Asia across the Bering Strait 15,000 years...

Thanksgiving: Why We Can’t forget About Colonialism

I’ve asked myself: don’t folks know that this tradition was born out of colonialism, imperialism, and mass genocide? Is it really worth putting yourself, your family, and Americans at risk for a deadly virus? But, as I point out these facts — facts that we are all now ful...

Rethinking Thanksgiving in time to face hard truths and create hope

As a white mother who is deeply concerned about the future we are creating for our children, I am both terrified by and hopeful about the complex and dangerous times we are navigating. This is the first year of my life that I will not gather with family members or friends for a Thanksgiving dinner. ...

A Thanksgiving Menu of “What Ifs”

Winter is a good time to sit by a wood stove in the “box” that’s your house and “think outside the box” about “what ifs.” That’s how Congregational minister, musician, and naturalist Rob McCall began a 2010 post-Thanksgiving episode of a week...