Tag: terms

It’s All About Community and Our Why

I’ve been labeled with various terms like crazy, stupid, and reckless, but those words have never deterred me. There’s a driving force within me that refuses to stop, regardless of the mounting obstacles in my path. Even when I was repeatedly told that certain things were beyond my re...

I Had No Idea That Idiot, Imbecile, and Moron were Clinical Terms

Idiot, Imbecile, and Moron Which one of the three words listed above have you used recently? Did you really know what you were saying when you called someone that. Personally, I’m more likely to call someone an idiot than any of the other words. Moron would be next. I’m highly unli...

Key Terms Regarding Immigration

Immigration: The act of entering and settling in a foreign country with the intention of permanently residing there. Migrant: A person who moves from one place to another, often across national boundaries, in search of better living conditions or opportunities. Asylum: Protection granted by a ...

All Lives Matter is a Bogus Term

Itwent away for awhile, but I started seeing commenters and others using the term All Lives Matter again, and I wanted to write about it. When a white person uses the slogan, All Lives Matter, it is usually a right-wing Christian or white Conservative who feels insulted black Americans are standing ...

NNT and NNH are Two Medical Terms I Bet You Never Heard Of But You Should Know

My doctor said something like that to me recently. I was seeing him to complain about getting up too often at night to pee, something that had became more annoying when I reached my seventies. After testing, prodding, and interrogation, my doctor decided that there was nothing wrong with me other th...

NNT and NNH are Two Medical Terms I Bet You Never Heard Of But You Should Know

Has your doctor ever suggested a pill to you and reassured you with something like “There are some possible side effects, but most people tolerate it well?” I’d be surprised if you said no. My doctor said something like that to me recently. I was seeing him to complain about ...

How K-Pop Is Miles Ahead Of The Rest Of The Industry In Terms Of Marketing

K-Pop labels hard work is finally paying off. Over the last three decades, K-pop labels like SM Entertainment and JYP Entertainment have released projects by their generations’ most beloved and commercially successful rosters. For instance, JYP has K-pop giants TWICE and Stray Kids on their la...