NNT and NNH are Two Medical Terms I Bet You Never Heard Of But You Should Know

<p>My doctor said something like that to me recently. I was seeing him to complain about getting up too often at night to pee, something that had became more annoying when I reached my seventies. After testing, prodding, and interrogation, my doctor decided that there was nothing wrong with me other than getting older, but offered a pill called &ldquo;Mirabegron&rdquo; to cut the urination frequency.</p> <p><em>This article is not about Mirabegron and is not offering medical advice. I have no medical training and I did not take this pill. This is about finding more information about any pills your doctor may suggest.</em></p> <p><a href="https://pcunix.medium.com/nnt-and-nnh-are-two-medical-terms-i-never-heard-e2b6780e758f"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: medical terms