Tag: Taught

What a Jar of Capers Taught Me About Courage

This Monday was not only miserable by simple virtue of being a Monday, but also because I ended up paying 50 pence more for a jar of capers. Sunday night had brought a bout of cooking. The goal: a hearty Tuna Nicoise. Only much too late did I realise I was missing capers. Not to be disheartened, ...

How 9/11 Taught Me To Stop Saying ‘Everything Will Be Okay’

I’ll spare you the usual details of that awful morning. They have been well-documented and you have likely seen enough video of the event to last a lifetime. I was working at a hospital less than half a mile from the World Trade Center where, from my office, I had a clear view of the buildings...

Lessons My Ferret Taught Me About Life

In our journey through life, we encounter countless individuals who shape our travels. Some make a bold impact, while others leave their mark in more subtle ways. Milo was a mix of the two, a small brown ferret with a penchant for mischief and a heart full of wisdom. When he first scampered into ...

How Off-The-Mark Criticism Taught Me to Meet My Inner Artist Where She Is

When I stopped being the one investing all the effort into relationships and started matching their energy, my “friends” disappeared. Now I’m like the new kid on the playground, wondering if there’s a spot for her at the monkey bars. To build new connections, I created ...

What cannabis taught me about masking

Masking is basically what neurodivergent people have to do just to act like neurotypicals. Like, you know how basketball games are horrible because the squeaking of the shoes makes your teeth hurt and then your teeth hurting makes your neck and head hurt and then you start worrying that you’re...