Lessons My Ferret Taught Me About Life

<p>In our journey through life, we encounter countless individuals who shape our travels. Some make a bold impact, while others leave their mark in more subtle ways.</p> <p>Milo was a mix of the two, a small brown ferret with a penchant for mischief and a heart full of wisdom. When he first scampered into my life, I had no idea just how much this little ball of fluff would teach me about the art of living.</p> <p>I adopted Milo from a friend. She&rsquo;d bought him from a pet store and found him to be too excitable for her family situation, so he came to live with me. From the moment those bright black eyes met mine, I knew he was destined to be mine forever.</p> <p>Ferrets are natural explorers, and Milo was into&nbsp;<em>everything</em>. These little creatures dive fearlessly into the unknown, reminding us that curiosity is the compass that guides us through life. From Milo, I learned that the path to wisdom begins with a willingness to check out your world, no matter where the path may lead&hellip;even if it means right into the dryer vent.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@elizabeth_gray/lessons-my-ferret-taught-me-about-life-974ac7c4c590"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Ferret Taught