Tag: Tango

Second week in BA: Adventures in la Boca and Tango Show

During our second week in Buenos Aires, we lived several aventures. On our second week-end in the city, we went and wandered through San Telmo, and la Boca, two of the iconic areas of Buenos Aires. San Telmo is known for being the home of tango, and is a very nice “barrio”. La Boca, w...

The Tango of Tendresse

I think about this during my time in Buenos Aires. The memory of the Disappeared is still vivid in this city with its pleasant parks and neighborhoods. What dreadful things these very likeable people did to each other not so long ago. And what a price they paid for harboring monsters! By shelteri...


It was fun while it lasted. Another 8 episodes dunzo. Or WILL be dunzo after Sunday’s season closer in Buenos Aires. The crack Zero Point Zero production team and I, however, are deep, deep in post production for our NEXT season. And, I’d like to say, in all modesty, it’s a freakin...

A Night of Tango in Buenos Aires

My husband Drew and I were late to our tango lesson by two hours. Cata, half of our couple instructor team, messaged me that she and her husband would wait for us, and to “keep calm.” Earlier that day, our flight to Argentina had been delayed at Lima, Peru, for plane maintenance is...

Third Week in BA: Parks, gardens and our First Tango lesson!

During our third week in Buenos Aires, we started to be a bit more active. We had recovered from the tiredness from all our hikes in Ushuaia, and we started to feel the fomo, which is our ennemy during this trip, but also pushes us to go out and discover more. Japanese Garden and Victoria Lake ...

What’s the meaning of the Buenos Aires tango to me?

This is a picture that was taken of me while attempting to dance the Tango in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The accompanying quote says as much as ‘Without the streets or dusks of Buenos Aires a Tango cannot be written’. ‘Without the streets or dusks of Buenos Aires a Tango cannot ...

Learning Tango in Buenos Aires

Today is the 26th September of 2020 in Buenos Aires. The city is still under grip of laws imposed by politicians, supposedly elected to maintain and advance welfare in the nation. It was the beginning of spring and the temperature was very comfortable, the morning rain had released all sorts of plea...

In conversation with Tango connoisseur and member of the Melbourne Tango Orchestra, Stephen Cuttriss

Stephen Cuttriss has been praised by the media as one of “Australia’s heavyweight tango musicians” and a bandoneon player who “ignites the sonic soundscapes of Argentina on this unique instrument. He explores the roots of both urban tango and rich rural folk traditi...

It Takes Two Black Holes to Tango

Just like humans, black holes come in singles and pairs. And when a third black hole joins an existing pair, the three-body dynamics is often chaotic. Again, just as in human relationships. Most galaxies host a supermassive black hole at their center. This is the case for our Milky-Way galaxy and...

It Takes Two Black Holes to Tango

The supermassive black holes from the Milky-Way and Andromeda are predicted to sink to the center of Milkomeda, each dressed up with a dense cluster of stars. Dynamical friction on surrounding stars and gas is expected to bring the black holes closer down to a distance smaller than the size of the s...

It Takes Two Black Holes to Tango

Just like humans, black holes come in singles and pairs. And when a third black hole joins an existing pair, the three-body dynamics is often chaotic. Again, just as in human relationships. Most galaxies host a supermassive black hole at their center. This is the case for our Milky-Way galaxy and...