Tag: Syndicate

Trouble in Tokyo: The Syndicate Known As The Monster with 21 Faces

Having entered the home of Katsuhisa Ezaki, the two masked men tied up his wife Mikieko (35 years old) and his eldest daughter Mariko (7 years old). Mikieko offered the men money and one of them responded, “Be quiet. Money is irrelevant.” After cutting some telephone lines the two mask...

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Now Works on PS5

Last year I wrote a sort of extended lament about a major hole in the otherwise excellent PS5 backwards compatibility system. Nearly every PS4 and PS4 Pro game will boot and run exceptionally well on the PS5, barring a tiny list of obscure games that they won’t let you play at all. ...

Meet the Newest 20 Members of 4.0’s 2023 Angel Syndicate

The majority of philanthropic capital — $890B — is tied up in Wall Street. Less than $6B is deployed in K-12 education every year by foundations. We want to change that. In 2020, inspired by the potential of shifting power and pooling funds to garner influence and address racial inequ...

The AGN Syndicate — A Briefing

This is written similar to the synopsis of a dungeons and dragons campaign. Feedback appreciated, will turn into a campaign detail if possible! Galaxies come in all shapes in sizes — some are large, such as the Andromeda Galaxy, while others, such as the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), are, w...