The AGN Syndicate — A Briefing

<p><em>This is written similar to the synopsis of a dungeons and dragons campaign. Feedback appreciated, will turn into a campaign detail if possible!</em></p> <p>Galaxies come in all shapes in sizes &mdash; some are large, such as the Andromeda Galaxy, while others, such as the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), are, well, small! Some tend to spiral inwards and outwards, intricate networks of dust and gas coalescing around a bright, central point towards the center, while others tend to float freely in the background of space, taking whatever shape they please.</p> <p>While a galaxy&rsquo;s structure may differ, one thing is certain &mdash; these galaxies all revolve around a central black hole. It&rsquo;s been theorised that dwarf galaxies revolve around intermediate-mass black holes, while some larger elliptical or lenticular galaxies have humongous black holes which accrete mass&hellip;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: AGN Syndicate