Tag: SVG

Experimenting With SVG Game Development In Julia

For a while now, I have been pondering the potential for creating games using Julia. To be clear, I am really not much of a gamer — I have had my moments of binging the Sims 2 for days straight, but overall I tend to be interested in games from a much more geeky perspective than most — v...

Probing Compositional Understanding of ChatGPT with SVG

Foundational models can generate realistic images from prompts, but do these models understand their own drawings? Generating SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) gives us a unique opportunity to ask this question. SVG is programmatic, consisting of circles, rectangles, and lines. Therefore, the...

Convert an SVG to PNG with Right Click on MacOS

Apple Shortcuts are extremely powerful particularly because of their accessibility: you can invoke them with right click on any file from inside Finder. extensibility: you are not limited to what Apple lets you to do, you can run shell scripts with shortcuts. I have ...

Jogging your geometry memory by building an SVG radar chart in React Native.

Software Engineering. In front-end land it’s easy to drop the “Engineering” element along the way in our rush to deliver software. Want to build a chart? Someone else must have done this. Google. Install library. Fit peg into hole. Pray that it doesn’t come loose  ...