Tag: Supremacist

I Attended a White Supremacist Church

I cannot tell you how ashamed I feel typing that title. I admit, I never gave a thought to white supremacy in my church back in the 1970s and early 1980s. I should clarify — throughout junior high and high school I attended two churches. The primary community, which my family attended, was an ...

“Too Many Women Are Going to College!”

There’s a male supremacist narrative out there that increasingly more women are going to college than men because of educational bias, unfair advantages, and so on. Just like every other male supremacy talking point, it’s based on a male victimhood narrative, cuz that’s how male su...

Kanye West and his new white supremacist friends

Ifwhite supremacists were to co-sign any rapper, I suppose it would be Kanye West. On Saturday, an antisemitic and white supremacist group hung a banner above the 405 freeway in Los Angeles that read: “Kanye is right about the Jews.” Another banner cited Rev. 3:8, which r...


Haven’t written here in a while, so anyone still following and reading this, thank you for your immense patience. To say the least, the past year’s events have not only exhausted me but filled me with a sense of impending dread. It is my considered opinion any sane person would agree. Gi...