Tag: Supernatural

Almost 30.000 #Steam downloads after 2 years with a (FREE) #Supernatural fangame called #UEBERNATURAL

And now: Happy 2 year anniversary dear #UEBERNATURAL So what can i tell you. It feels like many YEARS have passed. I mean its been 2 years, but I am talking about feeling 10 years or more in my bones. So much has happened. Some good things… some not so good things. Thats how life is I gues...

The Best VR Fitness Game Ever (Supernatural Review)

I wanted to love Supernatural. I really did. I thought it would be great to find a quality fitness app for my VR headset to start working out again and avoiding the gym altogether. Cardio on my mountain biking is boring, and I’ve sworn off hiking since this happened, so I g...

The Best VR Fitness Game Ever (Supernatural Review)

I wanted to love Supernatural. I really did. I thought it would be great to find a quality fitness app for my VR headset to start working out again and avoiding the gym altogether. Cardio on my mountain biking is boring, and I’ve sworn off hiking since this happened, so I g...

Signs That You Are A True Supernatural Empath

Empathy is a skill that, like a muscle, can be trained to work harder and grow stronger. However, true empaths have a supernatural level of emotional abilities. These are signs that you are more than just empathetic. Perhaps you are a true empath. Website

Signs That You Are A True Supernatural Empath

Empathy is a skill that, like a muscle, can be trained to work harder and grow stronger. However, true empaths have a supernatural level of emotional abilities. These are signs that you are more than just empathetic. Perhaps you are a true empath. Visit Now

Pragmatism and Peyote: Psychedelic Pioneers and Supernatural Specters

The psychoactive, supernatural, and psychological are closely linked. Like shamans and priests, psychologists seek to dispel demons from the inner mind. Forefathers of modern psychology Sigmund Freud and William James were avid psychonauts. William James’ experiments with psychoactivity hel...