The Best VR Fitness Game Ever (Supernatural Review)

<p>I wanted to love&nbsp;<em>Supernatural</em>. I really did. I thought it would be great to find a quality fitness app for my VR headset to start working out again and&nbsp;<strong>avoiding the gym altogether.&nbsp;</strong>Cardio on my mountain biking is boring, and I&rsquo;ve sworn off hiking&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">since this happened</a>, so I gave it a shot!&nbsp;<em>Supernatural</em>&nbsp;went beyond my expectations!</p> <p><strong>Keep reading if you want a free 1-month guest pass; I&rsquo;m giving them away!</strong></p> <p>Like most of the Internet, I&rsquo;m very good at leaving negative reviews when a company makes me&nbsp;<em>really, really</em>&nbsp;<em>mad</em>. But I write very few reviews, because quite frankly,&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">I have other stuff to do</a>, but that&rsquo;s why this one is even more special.</p> <p>My virtual reality journey began&nbsp;<strong>two years ago</strong>. I got my Oculus headset as a Christmas gift from one of my business contractors.. and not one that makes massive amounts of money. This person told me, &ldquo;I really just want you to have this; I think you&rsquo;ll love it.&rdquo; Since then, it has remained one of the best Christmas gifts I&rsquo;ve ever received.</p> <p><strong>I can&rsquo;t describe how amazing VR was during my first time.</strong>&nbsp;My first reaction to the metaverse was, &ldquo;When did all this happen?&rdquo; as I played with the tutorial and then all the different games and apps.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>