Tag: suck

How to build an Internet that doesn’t suck

In 1971, Ray Tomlinson, an engineer working on the ARPANET project — the predecessor to the Internet — sent the first email. The message was nothing profound; it was a series of random characters that looked more like the utterance of a toddler on a typewriter than a groundbreaking momen...

No Pussy in the Pit: Boston Hardcore and the “Yankees Suck” Uber Jock Subculture

I feel like people don’t believe me when I say, “I know that dude who made the Yankee Suck shirts and created the chant and it’s a really weird story”, but here it is in this embarrassing, yet totally, somehow, unembarrassed account, published in Grantland this week. The...

Why Humans Suck At Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is commonly defined as the analysis of available facts, evidence, observations, and arguments in order to form a judgment by the application of rational, skeptical, and unbiased analyses and evaluation¹. It’s a fundamental life skill when it comes to solving problems ...

Robert’s Rules Suck:

I was not naïve going into this. I fully expected that whatever good policy change our committee was able to craft might be diluted or rejected by the city council in the end, or that the Police Chief might find ways to circumvent them, or that even if enacted, the police union would still allo...

How Does This Candle Suck Water Up Into a Glass?

It’s a classic demo and one that you can try yourself. You light a candle and put it in some water (I used blue dye in my water). Next, cover the candle with a glass. As the flame burns out, the water gets “sucked” up into the glass. It’s pretty cool. Let me start off with...

How Does This Candle Suck Water Up Into a Glass?

It’s a classic demo and one that you can try yourself. You light a candle and put it in some water (I used blue dye in my water). Next, cover the candle with a glass. As the flame burns out, the water gets “sucked” up into the glass. It’s pretty cool. Let me start off with...

Why Smart Guys Suck At Relationships..

During my days in finance I worked with some of the most brilliant people. High IQ, making really good money BUT as brilliant as they were at their job…. Most of them struggled so bad with women… Every relationships turned into a trainwreck for them… And they never r...