No Pussy in the Pit: Boston Hardcore and the “Yankees Suck” Uber Jock Subculture

<p>I feel like people don&rsquo;t believe me when I say, &ldquo;I know that dude who made the Yankee Suck shirts and created the chant and it&rsquo;s a really weird story&rdquo;, but here it is in this<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">&nbsp;embarrassing, yet totally, somehow, unembarrassed account</a>, published in Grantland this week. The account captures the ethos of the 1990s hardcore music scene in the Boston area, much of which I was there for. It does so via the tale of the Yankees Suck franchise and the alleged Not Jocks who masterminded it, several of whom I knew. It relays anecdote after anecdote of the violence and narcissism that took place in the name of supporting and profiting from a sports team and brand. In doing so, it exposes a subculture trying so hard to be Not Jock that it spins full circle and becomes the worst possible rendition of Uber Jock to ever exist.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Yankees suck