Tag: subway

lost subway ticket

Inside the MFA Bobbing for subway ticket Not to be found Art Guards on edge I empty my cunt pack I’m not about to pocket the art I’m looking for my ticket! Cell battery on red danger Screwed charger desk dolly says I have to go to the cafe Learn More

You Want to Feel Like a Local? Then Figure the Subway Out.

Big, huge, teeming and alive with energy, world cities can be bewildering places at the beginning, even for the most seasoned and confident globetrotter. But isn’t there a certain joy found in asking yourself, “Am I going the right way?”, “How do I order this?”, &l...

Reverse engineering Glasgow’s subway tickets

As a Glaswegian I use the subway almost every day for university and work. The subway is run by Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT) and has two different lines: the inner circle and the outer circle. There are fifteen different stops with the most popular ones being St. Enoch’s, B...

Ride the Vintage Redbirds: NYC Subway Revival

The Train of Many Colors is made up of R-33, R-33WF, and R-36 cars from the museum’s vintage fleet, all manufactured in the 1960s. The different paint schemes, such as “Tartar Red,” “Gunn Red,” “Kale Green,” “Platinum Mist,” and a two-tone robin&...

NYC Subway Shove: Woman Fighting for Her Life, Suspect Apprehended

The Incident: On a seemingly ordinary day, as a subway train was departing from the station, tragedy struck. The victim was forcefully pushed, causing her head to make contact with the moving train before she fell onto the tracks. It was a horrifying scene, but thanks to the presence of eyewitnesse...

How to TTC Subway Delay Report 2022

Toronto has a complicated and ever-evolving transit system under the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC), and for years, mitigating delays has remained a significant challenge. The primary and essential step is to explore into the real patterns of these delays. Understanding them would enable us to ide...

The Subway May Not Be Safe

I’ve been riding it since I was a kid growing up in the sixties. Even then, when my memories lead me to believe the world was a safer place to live, I was taught to be on high alert. My mother showed me the proper way to hold my handbag and would remind me to always keep it zippered ...