Tag: Strawberry

The Tiger and the Strawberry

The following ancient story- known as a “Koan”- from the Zen Buddhist faith tradition offers a useful insight into 2020. Once upon a time, as a man was walking through a forest, he saw a tiger peering out at him from the underbrush. As the man turned to run, he heard the tig...

The Two White Girl Rule

My son is currently obsessed with Strawberry Shortcake and the Beast of Berry Bog on Netflix. It’s a Halloween special for the series, Strawberry Shortcake: Berry in the Big City. The series itself actually had an episode, “Berry Bounty Banquet — Part 2”, nomin...

Here’s how to say “strawberry” in Chinese

This radical is often used for characters that are related to plants or herbs, which means “strawberry” certainly qualifies :) As for the other parts of the characters, the character for straw 草 (cǎo), includes a character underneath which means “early”: 早 (zǎo). Thi...