The Tiger and the Strawberry

<p>The following ancient story- known as a&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">&ldquo;Koan&rdquo;- from the Zen Buddhist faith tradition</a>&nbsp;offers a useful insight into 2020.</p> <p><strong>Once upon a time</strong>, as a man was walking through a forest, he saw a tiger peering out at him from the underbrush. As the man turned to run, he heard the tiger spring after him to give chase.</p> <p>Barely ahead of the tiger, running for his life, our hero came to the edge of a steep cliff. Clinging onto a strong vine, the man climbed over the cliff edge just as the tiger was about to pounce.</p> <p>Hanging over the side of the cliff, with the hungry tiger pacing above him, the man looked down and was dismayed to see&nbsp;<em>another</em>&nbsp;tiger, stalking the ravine far below. Just then, a tiny mouse darted out from a crack in the cliff face above him and began to gnaw at the vine.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>