Tag: Stoicism

Stoicism: The best mind-hack to change your life (It changed mine)

Have you been in a tough spot in your life? Do you want things around you to change but you’re not sure which foot to put forward? Do you think it is high time to give a different lifestyle a try? Stoicism can be just what you are looking for. Don’t worry this is not a type of living ...

Stoicism: The best mind-hack to change your life (It changed mine)

Have you been in a tough spot in your life? Do you want things around you to change but you’re not sure which foot to put forward? Do you think it is high time to give a different lifestyle a try? Stoicism can be just what you are looking for. Don’t worry this is not a type of living ...

Stoicism for Children

Stoicism has exploded in popularity over the past couple of decades. One of the questions I’m now asked most frequently, by teachers and parents, is whether there are any good resources available to help kids learn about Stoic philosophy. The answer is YES, although you may need help...

The Stoicism of Augustus

The man we call Augustus (63 BC — 14 AD) was the founder of the Roman empire. Early in his life he was known as Octavian, the grand-nephew of the dictator Julius Caesar. Lacking any legitimate offspring, Caesar adopted Octavian and named him his heir. Following Caesar’s assassi...

Stoicism & Buddhism

I’ve been thinking about the relationship between Buddhism and Stoicism lately. Top of mind are recent conversations I had with Greg Lopez on Mindfulness and with Noah Rasheta, the author of No Nonsense Buddhism. There are differences with Buddhism of course. But Stoicis...

The Cardinal Virtues of Stoicism

the virtues are one of the key pillars of Stoic practice, you will need to familiarise yourself with them if you wish to follow loosely in the footsteps of the ancients. Whilst we aren’t certain of the origin of the Virtues, it’s likely they date back to the time of Plato or even So...