The Cardinal Virtues of Stoicism

<p>the virtues are one of the key pillars of Stoic practice, you will need to familiarise yourself with them if you wish to follow loosely in the footsteps of the ancients. Whilst we aren&rsquo;t certain of the origin of the Virtues,&nbsp;it&rsquo;s likely they date back to the time of Plato or even Socrates. Also, the Stoics regard virtue in general terms as&nbsp;<em>living in harmony with Nature.&nbsp;</em>Virtue or&nbsp;<em>excellence</em>&nbsp;<em>(aret&ecirc;)&nbsp;</em>in the Stoic way, could be defined as a set of values or qualities that are integral to leading a good, and fulfilling life. The Stoics believe that virtue is the only key to true happiness, and they truly aspired to live a life free of&nbsp;<em>passions</em><strong>,</strong>&nbsp;because they are ultimately a disturbance and detrimental to the soul. Their belief in rational emotional responses to situations, is bolstered by the constant accumulation of wisdom through experience and practice.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>