Tag: Statistics

Master Data Science with This Comprehensive Cheat Sheet

Data science is a rapidly growing field that combines statistics, mathematics, and computer science to extract insights and knowledge from data. As a data scientist, you need to be proficient in a variety of tools, techniques, and concepts to effectively analyze and visualize data. To help streamlin...

If You Want to Learn Statistics, Without Boring, Read This

Do you find yourself overwhelmed by the complexities of Statistics as an aspiring Data Scientist? Have you ever wished there was a formula to make learning not just easier, but also enjoyable? In truth, this formula can be applied to any concept you’re struggling with, not just Statistic...

Importance of statistics in biotechnology

The practice or science of collecting and analyzing numerical data in large quantities, especially for the purpose of inferring proportions in a whole from those in a representative sample is called statistics. It is a branch of applied mathematics which deals with the collection, classification, an...

Probability and Statistics in Everyday Life.

Picture this: it’s a few years back, and my friends and I are gearing up for a post-graduation adventure to Goa. Excitement was high, but so was the uncertainty about the weather. My friends were optimistic, envisioning clear skies and endless sunshine. Meanwhile, I had a nagging feeling that ...

Scared of statistics? Here’s a quick example to get you comfortable with one statistical test!

Statistics was my worst subject in college. I got a “C” in it, and I never wanted to look back. It was just too much “math with letters” for my taste. But little did I know that statistics would become part of my daily life as an epidemiologist. You see, in epidemiology, we u...

Robust Statistics for Data Scientists Part 2: Resilient Measures of Relationships Between Variables

Grasping the interconnections among variables is essential for making data-driven decisions. When we accurately evaluate these links, we bolster the trustworthiness and legitimacy of our findings, crucial in both scholarly and practical contexts. Data scientists frequently turn to Pearson’s...

Has statistics always been the servant of all science?

Metrology is defined as the science of weights and measures or measurement, or a system of weights and measures, according to Merriam-Webster. We could not imagine daily life without metrology, considering the frequent use of the International System of Units such as meter, kilogram, second, and so ...

Reveal the Secrets: Descriptive vs. Inferential Statistics Uncovered!

Statistics, the backbone of data analysis, comprises two essential branches: descriptive and inferential statistics. Each plays a crucial role in understanding and interpreting data, from summarizing large datasets to making predictions about larger populations based on sample data. Unraveling the k...

Top 13 Statistics Mistakes Made by Data Scientists, Are You Doing These?

In the ever-evolving domain of data science, where statistics and programming converge, a world of possibilities emerges, but it’s also fraught with challenges. For data scientists, it’s vital to grasp that statistics extends beyond mere mathematical equations; it serves as a means to...

Statistics you need to know to become a Data Analyst/Scientist

Confused about where to start when it comes to learning statistics for becoming a data scientist? I was too. Grabbing an old Math books to read topics like probability , statistics might help but how much? And what all topics do we need to go through? Here is a checklist for all the statistics topic...

How to Resolve This Famous Statistics Paradox

The above is a pretty old question that I recently saw resurface on Twitter. Since I disagree with the answer given there, I figured I’d post my own analysis. The tricky thing with this question is that it is self-referential. Usually, multiple-choice questions look like this: T...

A Beginner’s Guide to Bayesian Statistics with PyMC3

If you’ve ever felt a bit intimidated by the world of statistics, especially Bayesian statistics, you’re not alone. But fear not! In this article, we’ll take a down-to-earth approach to introduce you to Bayesian statistics using the powerful PyMC3 library. No fancy jargon, just a s...

How Simpson’s Paradox Can Mislead Statistics

If there is something I really hate hearing is the classical authority argument “Statistics shows that *insert a fact here*”. With the democratization of statistical tools and machine learning, it is easier than ever to crunch some numbers into insights. Still, everyone should pay att...

Unlocking the Mystery: Dive Deep Into the World of Hypothesis Testing in Statistics!

When I first encountered hypothesis testing in statistics during my early days in data science, it seemed like a complex concept. But over time, I’ve come to understand it as a fundamental tool for making decisions based on sample data. Essentially, hypothesis testing helps us draw conclusions...

Unleash the Power of Statistics: Master the 4 Essential Levels of Measurement Like a Pro!

When we talk about how a variable is measured in statistics, we’re diving into the heart of how we make sense of the world around us through numbers. As someone working in data science, I’ve come to appreciate that the way we gather data isn’t just about collecting information rand...

Statistics classes don’t teach you about money

Statistics and data science classes don’t do much to prepare students for hashing out project specifications on the job. Here are a few problems: They teach you to take the problem statement for granted, but what if your boss doesn’t have the skills to make sensible ...