Tag: Spirituality

How Spirituality Turned Me into a People Pleaser.

I started meditating after a terrible breakup, hoping it would heal me. And it did. I learned more about the destructive thoughts that had permeated my mind and realized that there was more to life than parties, shopping, money, and good sex. I got over my ex, but I didn’t get over how libe...

Understanding the Roots of Spirituality in India

In a country as diverse and culturally rich as India, spirituality holds a special place in the hearts of its people. From ancient times to the present day, spirituality has played a significant role in shaping the beliefs, traditions, and way of life of Indian society. This article explores the mea...

Here’s How to Make Your Home Reflect Your Awesome Spirituality.

Our homes support us on our spiritual journey but only if we’re mindful about them. They should uplift our Spirit and feel almost like we’re living in a temple. This doesn’t mean we have to spend big money on furnishings to make a house a spiritual home. It really means our home...

Deep Dive Spirituality: Speak Any Sacred Language Syllable and Supercharge Your Spiritual Practice.

The name Jesus is derived from the Greek form of Joshua or Iesous. It was an attempt to translate the actual sacred Aramaic language name of Jesus — Jeshua, Yeshua, Yoshua — into Greek. There are five sacred languages. Greek isn’t one of them b...

Live Life Grounded in Spirituality. Run Everything You Do, Think and Perceive Through the Filter of Your Great Spirit. Here’s How.

Do you wake up up every day and accept whatever comes your way? Do you let life happen to you? Do you put developing your spiritual life last or close to it? Most people do and then complain about the lives they themselves have created by default. But when you live your life purposely grounded in...

A Theory of Everything

There is total balance. The law is: everything exists with it’s equal and opposite. In physics, its Newton’s 3rd law. In spirituality it’s yen and yang. In the practical world it’s male and female, hot and cold, and in the universe it’s matter and anti-matter. The theor...

Cannabis and Spirituality: An Inside Story

I promised you all a long time ago that I would share my honest experiences and what I have learned since connecting with this herb. Regardless of whether you are all for or against this plant, this is a must-read. I have read about so many others experiences and have had the pleasure of observin...

Why I Decided to Skip Out on The Church of Ambrosia’s Spirituality and Beyond 4 Conference this Year

I was going to go to Oakland this month to do the event Spirituality and Beyond 4 for David Hodges’s Easter Sermon affiliated with his mushroom church The Church of Ambrosia. The reason this happened is because I was watching an interview with him where he did he was raised Presbyterian what I...

Spirituality as Method in Anthropology and Sociology

In the history of anthropology, in the late 19th to early 20th centuries, when anthropology was becoming an academic discipline, it focused on studying the origin of humanity and “primitive” human beings. Anthropology has rarely studied “spirituality” as such, but, broadly...

The Power of the Ganesha Bald Statue in Dark Black — How this Enigmatic Figure Can Transform Your Life and Spirituality

Ganesha, also known as Ganapati or Vinayaka, is one of the most revered deities in the Hindu pantheon. He is worshiped as the god of wisdom, knowledge, and new beginnings. Depictions of Ganesha are found all over India, often in the form of a statue or idol. One such depiction is the Ganesha Bald St...

Integral Spirituality: Ken Wilber’s Theory of Evolutionary Religious Expression and Development

Ken Wilber, an American philosopher and writer known for his Integral Theory, posits that each major religion exists in every fundamental structure-stage of spiritual intelligence. In other words, he suggests that religions evolve and adapt over time to reflect different stages of spiritual and mora...