Tag: Spiral

Failing with Integrity and Defeating the Shame Spiral

There are so many ways to fail. We can fail others, fail ourselves, fail at things, fail to do things, and much more. Even though failure is a part of everyone’s life, it often feels like a word we shouldn’t say out loud. As a communicator by trade, I considered whether I should use a...

Fibonacci Spiral Spiritual Meaning: Purspose & Interpretations

According to Culture-Cross the Fibonacci spiral embodies profound symbolism and purpose. It represents the interconnectedness and harmony found in nature and the universe. This sacred geometrical pattern signifies growth, evolution, balance, and the divine order. It reflects the inherent b...

JWST reveals spiral galaxies’ life cycles, from dust to stars

If there’s one rule that’s practically universal in astronomy, it’s this: you can only observe the parts of the Universe that your instruments are sensitive to. As a result, when most of us think about the objects that are out there in the cosmos, we think about the components that...

JWST reveals spiral galaxies’ life cycles, from dust to stars

If there’s one rule that’s practically universal in astronomy, it’s this: you can only observe the parts of the Universe that your instruments are sensitive to. As a result, when most of us think about the objects that are out there in the cosmos, we think about the components that...