JWST reveals spiral galaxies’ life cycles, from dust to stars

<p>If there&rsquo;s one rule that&rsquo;s practically universal in astronomy, it&rsquo;s this: you can only observe the parts of the Universe that your instruments are sensitive to. As a result, when most of us think about the objects that are out there in the cosmos, we think about the components that are easiest to see: things that are bright, close by, and that emit radiation in the form of visible light. When we think of galaxies, we think of the stars within them; when we think of stars, we think primarily of the ones that appear brightest to our eyes and in our telescopes. But there&rsquo;s a whole Universe out there to explore, and much of it doesn&rsquo;t emit any visible light at all.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/starts-with-a-bang/jwst-reveals-spiral-galaxies-life-cycles-from-dust-to-stars-16482fd2483b"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>