Tag: Spherical

The Brilliance of Night Skies: The History of Japan’s “Spherical Fireworks”

Imagine, against the backdrop of the night sky and the rumbling sound, a dazzling, colorful chrysanthemum bursts open in the air. For three hundred years, fireworks festivals have been a part of Japanese culture. Annual fireworks festivals, usually held in the summer, are highlights on the cultur...

20 Reasons We Know the Earth Is Spherical

In their attempts to cover all the topics in the given curriculum, teachers often focus more on outlining results and theorems; as opposed to taking us on a journey to discover how the science was derived through pristine ideas, experiments and often-elegant mathematics. One problem this leads to is...

Planar and Spherical Projections of a Point Cloud (Using Open3D)

A point cloud is a collection of points in 3-dimensional coordinate space represented by x, y, and z axes. These points may just form a geometric shape or more complex structures such as a 3-dimensional representation of the real world. Various libraries, even with open-sources, such as the Poi...

Volume of space enclosed by sphere and paraboloid using spherical coordinates???

This seems trivial if you understand triple integration and simple coordinate systems; however, a question of this type made me think for a moment since its not as simple as converting from cylindrical to spherical coordinates or setting up bounds (Ρ, Φ , θ). The solution isn&rsqu...