Volume of space enclosed by sphere and paraboloid using spherical coordinates???

<p>This seems trivial if you understand triple integration and simple coordinate systems; however, a question of this type made me think for a moment since its not as simple as converting from cylindrical to spherical coordinates or setting up bounds (<strong>&Rho;,</strong>&nbsp;<strong>&Phi; , &theta;</strong>). The solution isn&rsquo;t as complex as you would imagine. Similar to many other problems, seeing the solution will make you say, &ldquo;ahh okay.&rdquo; Lets see what we are tackling.</p> <p>We have a sphere with radius sqrt(2):</p> <p><a href="https://axellmartinezdev.medium.com/volume-of-space-enclosed-by-sphere-and-paraboloid-using-spherical-coordinates-c4e9cf6c6f7b"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>