Tag: Sparta

What were the causes and consequences of the Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta?

The ancient Greek city-states of Sparta and Athens were the two premier powers in classical Greece. Their bitter rivalry exploded into open warfare during the Peloponnesian Wars, altering the course of Western civilization. This narrative chronicles the origins, major battles and ultimate resolut...

Sparta and Athens: A Tale of Two City-States

Sparta and Athens: The Antithetical City-States of Greece It seems counterintuitive that forces separated by only ninety miles would evolve into oppugnant peoples, with entirely different views on morality, way of life, and government. Athens and Sparta, the greatest city-states of the classical ...

2.5 Partnership with Sparta

Just before the Athenians had made their retreat to Salamis during the war with Persia, a young nobleman on a personal mission led a procession of his friends up to the Acropolis, where he dedicated his horse’s bridle to Athena in her temple. On the walls were shields dedicated to the goddess....