Sparta and Athens: A Tale of Two City-States

<p>Sparta and Athens: The Antithetical City-States of Greece</p> <p>It seems counterintuitive that forces separated by only ninety miles would evolve into oppugnant peoples, with entirely different views on morality, way of life, and government. Athens and Sparta, the greatest city-states of the classical era, were home to unique, disparate cultures and ultimately worst of enemies. Their contrasting ideals &mdash; Athenian democracy versus Spartan oligarchy, equality as measured by status versus equality as measured by wealth, and the Athenian life of freedom versus the Spartan life of service to the state &mdash; created two wholly unique and opposing centers of influence across Greece in the classical era and led to a cataclysmic Peloponnesian War that enveloped the Greek world.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Sparta Athens