Tag: Spacetime

New Explanation of Black Hole Images, Without Holes in Spacetime

The mainstream used Newton’s formula (and its variations from Einstein and Schwarzschild) for gravitational acceleration a = G×M/R², circular velocity v = sqrt(G×M/R), and escape velocity ev = sqrt(2G×M/R), to say that for a massive and dense ste...

Ask Ethan: If Mass Curves Spacetime, How Does It Un-Curve Again?

For hundreds of years prior to Einstein, our best gravitational theory came from Newton. Newton’s concept of the Universe was simple, straightforward, and philosophically dissatisfying to many. He claimed that any two masses in the Universe, no matter where they were located or how far apart t...

Unraveling the Quantum Mystery: Bridging the Gap Between Particles and Spacetime

In the labyrinthine streets of a bustling city, an inquisitive observer catches sight of a mesmerizing sight — the trajectories of pedestrians seem to weave and twist, as if orchestrated by an unseen hand. Captivated by this spectacle, the observer embarks on a quest to unravel the underlying ...

New Explanation of Black Hole Images, Without Holes in Spacetime

The mainstream used Newton’s formula (and its variations from Einstein and Schwarzschild) for gravitational acceleration a = G×M/R², circular velocity v = sqrt(G×M/R), and escape velocity ev = sqrt(2G×M/R), to say that for a massive and dense ste...

Time — a spacetime dimension, a human construct, or a nonexistent reality?

The concept of time has been used for thousands of years to measure and track the duration of events and the sequence in which they occur. It is a linear progression of moments that seem to move from the past, through the present, and into the future. However, the experience of time can vary greatly...