Tag: Sooner

Merge Branches Sooner with Synchronous Code Review

Code review has the potential to be one of the most impactful activities we do in our day. It ensures our codebase remains readable and maintainable, catches bugs, spreads knowledge across the team, and increases our confidence in what we are about to release. However, poorly structured code revi...

10 Recommended Books by Andrew Huberman I’m Kicking Myself for Not Reading Sooner

Interested in expanding your horizons? Are you still on the hunt for game-changing information? Yes? But worried about where to find the knowledge to transform your life. Don’t worry. You are not alone on this journey of self-exploration. Many of us are curious about unlocking o...

I Wish Someone Had Told Me About These Life Changing Weight Loss Habits Sooner

When you get into your mid 30’s or early 40s, your metabolism mysteriously throws an anchor overboard and says no way, José. It’s as if every greasy cheeseburger, beer and Galaxy dairy milk chocolate you devour is more challenging to shift than a tenant who stopped paying the r...

5 Stoic Lessons on Happiness I Wish I Knew Sooner

I started blogging in 2015, at 28 years old. It was the start of my writing career, and I had just moved back in with my parents in The Netherlands to save money. Before that, I used to work for an IT research firm in London. I also started various businesses, including a laundry equipment servic...

On Mixed-Up People and Presidents: You’ll See More of Us Sooner Than Later

In President’s Obama’s last press conference this week, there was a moment of levity in the midst of a mostly heavy conversation on his legacy and the country’s future. It came up after he was asked by a reporter whether, as the first black President, he’d expect to...

I Wish I Had Known About This Method Sooner

I spent 10 years fighting the battle with my skin. My husband’s coworkers thought I was 20 years older than him, though we’re actually the same age! But this “Egyptian Root” Ritual changed everything. I wish I took better care of my skin throughout my life. My neck a...

This might not be for you…

This might not be useful to you, but if it is, better hop on it sooner rather than later. Because later, it (might) be gone completely, and if it’s not, it WILL be more costly. What am I talking about? Daily live (group) Chinese lessons with me, Essie. Visit Now