Tag: Song

How Long Does It Take Us to Like A Song?

You might spend an hour trying to find something worth watching on Netflix. But by the time you find it, you’re barely awake. It happens a lot, doesn’t it? But with music, we don’t need that amount of time. Within just a few seconds, we can form a strong initial impress...

Love Song for Chicago

I wish I loved anyone or anything as much as The Bear loves Chicago. It’s the kind of love that feels fully realized and all-encompassing, at once over-the-top and deeply practical. I did meet a dog this weekend and immediately say, “Oh, I’d take a bullet for you,&rdqu...

Istanbul (not Constantinople)

A test I took at work last year identified me as a person with a craving for knowledge, someone who likes to collect and archive information. That thirst for knowledge took an unusual direction a few years ago. Have you ever had a song stuck in your head? I’ve had one playing in my head for ye...

The First And The Last (The O.G.’s)

This is a rap-song that evolved in my mind, that is an ominous counterpart to Like Sunset in Miami. I don’t know why songs seem to develop in my head like this but when it is ripe, it feels best to release somewhere, and Medium is proving to be that good medium at the moment. Like Sunset ...

The Song of the Chickadees

A music professor I had in grad school once remarked that chickadees know music theory because their songs sound like ‘re-do’ and therefore imply an authentic cadence. For those not familiar with Western tonal music theory, the point was that the song of the Chickadee has a sense of c...

Going for a Song?

What would a forest, urban garden or park be without the rich and diverse early morning bird chorus and sounds of birds throughout the day and at different seasons? Yet it is this unique and wonderful feature of so many birds — their songs — that is making them the targets of an alarming...

Love Song for Chicago

I wish I loved anyone or anything as much as The Bear loves Chicago. It’s the kind of love that feels fully realized and all-encompassing, at once over-the-top and deeply practical. I did meet a dog this weekend and immediately say, “Oh, I’d take a bullet for you,&rdqu...