Going for a Song?

<p>What would a forest, urban garden or park be without the rich and diverse early morning bird chorus and sounds of birds throughout the day and at different seasons? Yet it is this unique and wonderful feature of so many birds &mdash; their songs &mdash; that is making them the targets of an alarming and growing threat: capture for the trade in live caged birds.</p> <p>In many cases, the captured birds are destined for cages in or around peoples&rsquo; homes as pets and for enjoyment of their melodious singing. In parts of Asia, this has grown into a tradition of songbird competitions which are a highly popular cultural pastime involving large numbers of birds of multiple species. The large-scale capture and trade of song birds for the national and international trade is often illegal, and almost inevitably unsustainable, and is leading to major declines of an increasing number of species in the wild.</p> <p><a href="https://wildlifeconservationsociety.medium.com/going-for-a-song-2ec38615f36e"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Song