Tag: Soil

Seeds Planted in the Soil of the Soul

Lit room is glowing a majestic wash of yellow, heaven’s sunrise awakening, heating the morning dawn, what splendor. I breathe in the freshness of the air, filling my lungs, feeling the briskness of the atmosphere, hearing songbirds named accentors. The verdant rolling hills just b...

Good Soil: A Reflection on Thomas 9

This parable is repeated in several of the canonical gospels. In some of them, Jesus explains this parable to his disciples. I won’t go over those passages. I wasn't to look at the key to the seed-producing fruit — good soil. Good soil occurs in one of two ways. Either it is th...

No Better Soil

AsAbby and I traveled east through the quiet farmlands and serene towns along the Erie Canal, it was hard to remember that the region had once been known as the “burned-over district.” Religious revivals, reform movements, and political conflict had blazed across the landscape from the 1...

Beneath Our Feet, The Critical Mission of Sadhguru’s Saving Soil Program

In a world where headlines often scream doom, there’s a narrative brewing beneath our feet, quite literally, that demands our attention – our soil. It’s not just dirt. Is the lifeline of our planet, our agriculture, and ultimately, our survival. Sadhguru, a visionary and mystic,...