Seeds Planted in the Soil of the Soul

<p>Lit room is glowing a majestic wash of yellow,<br /> heaven&rsquo;s sunrise awakening,<br /> heating the morning dawn,<br /> what splendor.</p> <p>I breathe in the freshness of the air,<br /> filling my lungs,<br /> feeling the briskness of the atmosphere,<br /> hearing songbirds named accentors.</p> <p>The verdant rolling hills just<br /> beyond shine like emeralds against<br /> the empty blue skies,<br /> warming the heart,<br /> glorious and tender.</p> <p>The blossoming of<br /> nature&rsquo;s seeds awakening at play,<br /> spreading far and near,<br /> transforming the<br /> once empty lands over eons ago,<br /> mother nature, the Spirit working,<br /> the divine inventor.</p> <p>Is this not like us, mere mortals,<br /> a divine seed planted in<br /> the soil of the soul that grows,<br /> transforming us in<br /> his likeness over the years,<br /> unrecognizable from the beginning but<br /> now with different hues of<br /> human nature and not unlike nature,<br /> great in splendor?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Soil