Tag: Socrates

Who is Socrates and What Did He Really Do?

Socrates was responsible for developing what is known today as the “Socratic method,” a technique still used by those who explore the underlying beliefs that shape one’s opinions. But the question stands: who was he and what did he even do? Socrates was a philosopher in ancient ...

3.1 The Childhood of Socrates

Socrates’ childhood was probably fairly typical for a boy from a family of modest means. He was born to Sophroniscus and Phaenarete in the deme, or borough, of Alopece in the year Apsephion was archon of record, or the fourth year of the seventy-seventh Olympiad (470/469 BC). We do not know ex...

Why Socrates Hated Democracy

Democracy, as a vision, is founded on the conviction that power should reside in the hands of the people. In ancient Athens, where Socrates lived, democracy was a relatively new vision, having developed just a few decades before his birth. For Socrates, however, the promise of democracy was weake...