Who is Socrates and What Did He Really Do?

<p>Socrates was responsible for developing what is known today as the &ldquo;Socratic method,&rdquo; a technique still used by those who explore the underlying beliefs that shape one&rsquo;s opinions. But the question stands: who was he and what did he even do?</p> <p>Socrates was a philosopher in ancient Athens who criticized Athenian democracy for several reasons. He believed that democracy gave too much power to the uneducated masses, who were easily swayed by demagogues and lacked the wisdom to make informed decisions. Socrates also believed that democracy encouraged a focus on self-interest rather than the common good, and that it led to a lack of accountability among politicians and leaders.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@marion.moranetz/who-is-socrates-and-what-did-he-really-do-fa9a303f05"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
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