Tag: Skewness

Skewness & Kurtosis Simplified

What is Skewness and how do we detect it? If you will ask Mother Nature — What is her favorite probability distribution? The answer will be — ‘Normal’ and the reason behind it is the existence of chance/random causes that influence every known variable on earth. What if...

5 Reasons Why You Need to Understand Skewness in Data Analysis

As a data professional, one of the critical tasks in any analytics project is to explore the data to get a summarized view of its distributions and patterns. During this process, you probably have encountered varying distributions of the data. One of the phenomena often found in data distribution...

Skewness: The fallacy of the expected return

In this post we will take a closer look at the expected return that is often stated for investments like stocks and other financial assets, or for certain outcomes in gambling. The point we want to convey is that the expected return is only valid for one period or a single “iteration” (s...