Skewness & Kurtosis Simplified

<h1>What is Skewness and how do we detect it?</h1> <p><em>If you will ask Mother Nature &mdash; What is her favorite probability distribution?</em></p> <p>The answer will be &mdash; &lsquo;Normal&rsquo; and the reason behind it is the existence of chance/random causes that influence every known variable on earth. What if a process is under the influence of assignable/significant causes as well? This is surely going to modify the shape of the distribution (distort) and that&rsquo;s when we need a measure like skewness to capture it. Below is a normal distribution visual, also known as a bell curve. It is a symmetrical graph with all measures of central tendency in the middle.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>