Tag: Sing

What if Org Charts could Talk or Sing?

Talking Org Charts If a classic Org Chart could speak it would enjoy a very limited vocabulary, like the character in Guardians of the Galaxy: Groot; “I am Groot!” Wikipedia Groot So, you went out on the internet and searched for “Organizational Chart “...

Sing Like You Did When You Were A Kid

My wife and I were in the kitchen cooking and washing dishes. She was cooking, I was dishing. Dish washing is my favorite household chore. At my sink, I am good. I am very good. Everything I need is there: my soap, my yellow brush, my drying rack, my self-respect. Because every single t...

Where The Crawdads Sing (Delia Owens) puts these women’s issues under glaring spotlight

Just this week, I decided to crack open a fiction book for the first time in years. Where The Crawdads Sing, a 2018 best-seller by Delia Owens, had been on my reading list for a long while, so I read it! And boy, this novel was amazing. I finished it in a single sitting! After finishing the ...

I Too, Sing America

Ifind it easy to become disenchanted and discouraged by our prospects for the future here in America. We seem to be getting more polarized, angrier, less tolerant, more aggressive, less compassionate. I cringe at how we are viewed by the rest of the world. I am more often ashamed than proud. I&rsquo...