Tag: Shortcuts

10 Python Shortcuts

List Comprehensions Instead of using loops to create lists, use list comprehensions for readable code. numbers = [x for x in range(10)] Dictionary Comprehensions Similar to list comprehensions, you can create dictionaries in a compact way. squares = {x: x*x for x in range(5)} M...

Linux file Shortcuts → Symlinks

For people who just switched from Windows to Linux you might be wondering how to create shortcut files in linux right? because shortcut files in windows are inevitable almost everyone who used windows must came across shortcut files atleast once. our windows desktop is filled with shortcut...

Cosmic Shortcuts: Traveling in Time with Wormholes

A wormhole is a theoretical bridge between two very distant points in space. So if I want to go from point A, Vancouver, to point B, Florida, the easiest thing to do would be to travel in a straight line, as you can see above in a scene from the movie Event Horizon. However, if I can create a wormho...

Cosmic Shortcuts: Traveling in Time with Wormholes

What about the speed of light? Our nearest star is Proxima Centauri, just over four light-years away. Now, with a wormhole, if we can connect a point in space just outside the Earth’s atmosphere to a point near Proxima Centauri, you can basically fly a spaceship and instantly appear in th...

The art of taking shortcuts

Programming path for me started with Basic, then Pascal, later on C++, Java, Ruby, Python… I also had to learn JS, MySQL, MathLab… I’m not the best programmer, but I try to at least understand everything. When I started working, you were encouraged to use command line, but most d...