10 Python Shortcuts

<h1>List Comprehensions</h1> <p>Instead of using loops to create lists, use list comprehensions for readable code.</p> <pre> numbers = [x for x in range(10)]</pre> <h1>Dictionary Comprehensions</h1> <p>Similar to list comprehensions, you can create dictionaries in a compact way.</p> <pre> squares = {x: x*x for x in range(5)}</pre> <h1>Multiple Assignment</h1> <p>Assign values to multiple variables in a single line.</p> <pre> a, b = 10, 20</pre> <h1>Swapping Values</h1> <p>Swap the values between two variables without using a temporary variable.</p> <pre> a, b = b, a</pre> <h1>Conditional Assignement</h1> <p>Use the ternary conditional expression for concise assignments based on conditions.</p> <pre> value = x if x &gt; 0 else 0</pre> <h1>String Formatting</h1> <p>Use f-strings for concise and readable string formatting.</p> <pre> name = &quot;Alice&quot; age = 30 message = f&quot;My name is {name} and I am {age} years old.&quot;</pre> <h1>Unpacking Iterables</h1> <p>Unpack elements from iterables like lists or tuples directly into variables.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@sarperismetmakas/10-python-shortcuts-6f5c62c53bb1">Website</a></p>