Tag: shoot

The pilot who had to shoot down a UFO

Colin Andrews, David Cayton, Ron Laytner, and other investigators brought to light the interesting case of Dr. Eng. Milton Torres, a retired major, decorated several times, after being an aviator for 20 years, participating in over 300 combat missions in Vietnam, and then a respected professor at Fl...


One of the most common questions photography enthusiasts often receive when teaching workshops is “What’s the best way to display my portfolio shoot ?” Many people look at their portfolios and feel overwhelmed with all the artwork they’ve put together. It can be very hard to ...

Top 13 Male Poses for Your Photo Shoot

There is no question that photography is undoubtedly deemed one of the most amazing activities people take extreme passion in. Regardless of where you come from, there is not even a single person who has not expressed their fondness for taking pictures. You have a male model for a photograph but ...

Don’t Shoot, Bambi

Who is Bambi? She is one of England’s most popular street artists and this piece is both unusual for her and also not at all surprising. “Don’t Shoot” was not created in her neighborhood. She dropped down to Shoreditch from Camden Town for this piece, like it was a spec...

Stop Telling Women to Shoot Men

“That guy just needs a good killin’,” was a refrain the men of my family constantly repeated. Every time any sort of violent crime came on the news, whether it was an assault, a rape, a robbery, or a murder, my grandfathers, uncles, father, and their friends always lamented, &ld...

Everyone Has the Right to Shoot Themselves in the Ass

Let me start by making it clear that this article is not about gun control in America. You, lovely people in the States, can argue all you like about Second Amendment rights in your own time. I’ve got other things on my mind just now. I’m a firm believer in the right of every man and ...

Is It OK For Your Kids To Pretend To Shoot Each Other?

Every day, my kid gets home from school, hangs up his backpack and goes to play outside. We’re lucky enough to live on 20 acres, with plenty of trails, tunnels and trees to explore. He never heads outside without a few things: His fanny pack, which keeps his glucose monitor for his diabetes...