The pilot who had to shoot down a UFO

<p>Colin Andrews, David Cayton, Ron Laytner, and other investigators brought to light the interesting case of Dr. Eng. Milton Torres, a retired major, decorated several times, after being an aviator for 20 years, participating in over 300 combat missions in Vietnam, and then a respected professor at Florida International University and the holder of several patents in the aerospace field. It happened in 1957 when the cold war between the USA and the Soviet Union was in full swing.</p> <p>Lieutenant Torres, then 26 years old, was attached to one of the three American aviation squadrons stationed in England, at the Manston military base, in Kent, about 140 kilometers north of London. As he remembered, on the night of May 20, he was on duty, in a tent at the end of the track, playing cards with his colleagues. At one point the alarm rang. They all threw away their books, and ran to the runway, putting on their oxygen masks on the way, after which they boarded the two F-86D Super Saber planes.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: shoot